Julia Calver

Fernisering / Opening: Søndag 14. juni kl. 14-17
Performance: Onsdag 17. juni kl. 18

Udstilling / Exhibition: 15.-21. juni 2015
Residency periode: 1.-21. juni 2015

Værket i kælderen vil være tilgængeligt under ferniseringen, performancen samt den 20. og 21. juni kl. 12-14.
/ The work in the basement will be asseccible during the opening; performance and on June 20-21 at 12-2pm.

Kurateret af Rie Hovmann Rasmussen

THE BRIAR BEHIND GLASS. As I come into the place this time a woman approaches, older than I am and without an animal. She comes down the steps. Knowing that we will perform the look we are waiting its moment with shyness. A woman’s shyness, but not a real one. If we can time it we will meet the face at the same time, and the eyes meet, and the eyebrows go up. And this produces a half smile without teeth which is supposed to be a true recognition to supplement the eyes. But it is only an expression of what is excruciating in the command that one to another recognise.

I løbet af sit tre ugers ophold i NLHspace vil den engelske kunstner Julia Calver, i samtale med en række kunstnere, kuratorer og forfattere, undersøge nye former for præsentation af tekstbaseret kunst. Hendes residency afsluttes i den sidste uge med en udstilling og performance i NLHspace.

Julia Calver er kunstner og forfatter med base i London. Hun udforsker i sin praksis processer, som omhandler distribution og deling, lysets egenskaber under forskellige vejrforhold og psykiske reaktioner på daglige rutiner. Ved brug af kortfattethed og opbrud undersøger Julia små ting og begivenheder i sine tekster, performances og oplæsninger.

Julia har flere udgivelser bag sig, blandt andet: ’_’ i Lemonade everything was so infinite, LemonMelon, ’Sound a light timpani’ i It’s Moving from I to It, FormContent, præsenteret på Tate Modern som en del af Tate Live serien, og ’Timepieces’ i One Thing Leads to Another – Everything is Connected, Jubilee Line Commissions, Kunst i undergrunden. I 2014 modtog hun stipendiet Artists’ International Development Fund, støttet af Art Council England og British Council. Støtten muliggjorde en undersøgelse af kunstneres arbejde med tekst i Sverige og Danmark. I forlængelse heraf var hun medkurator på projektet Nearly and Nervous Nearly and Now, som inkluderede kunstnere og forfattere fra England, Canada, Sverige og Danmark. Projektet var støttet af Göteborgs Stad, og blev afholdt af Galleri Box, Göteborg. I maj 2015 var Julia artist-in-residence ved Konstepidemin, Göteborg, der blev afholdt af Galleri Box med støtte fra IASPIS.

Støttet af Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg, Statens Kunstfond og DIVA.


During her three-week residency at NLHspace the artist and writer, Julia Calver, will explore the presentation of art writing in conversation with artists, curators and writers based in Denmark. The residency will end with an exhibition and performances during the last week.

Julia Calver is an artist and writer based in London. She is interested in processes of dispersal and distribution, the qualities of light which attend weather conditions, and psychological responses to diurnal patterns. In her texts, performances and readings she fixes on small things, testing how brevity and brokenness are given as descriptions of what is called experimental in writing.

Recent published works include: ‘_’ in Lemonade everything was so infinite, LemonMelon; ‘Sound a light timpani’ in It’s Moving from I to It, FormContent, launched at Tate Modern for the Tate Live series; and ‘Timepieces’ for One Thing Leads to Another – Everything is Connected, Jubilee Line Commissions, Art on the Underground. In 2014 she was awarded a grant to research approaches to artists’ writing in Sweden and Denmark from the Artists’ International Development Fund supported by Arts Council England and the British Council. As part of this project she co-curated Nearly and Nervous Nearly and Now which was supported by Goteborgs Stad and hosted by Galleri Box, Gothenburg and included performances by artists and writers from UK, Canada, Sweden and Denmark. In May 2015 she is artist in residence at Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, supported by IASPIS and hosted by Galleri Box.

Kindly supported by Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg, The Danish Arts Foundation and DIVA.