Body Screeners

Stathis Tsemberlidis, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, Signe Schmidt Kjølner Hansen, Kristian Byskov & Andreas Rasmussen

Exhibition 16 - 23 February 2014 By appointment only - Book a visit on

Opening 15 February , 4-7 pm

Live performances 15 February , 4-7 pm


The event Body Screeners brings together artists working within themes such as technology, narratives, sci-fi and science in relation to the body.

A ‘body screener’ is the name for a person who operates a human body scanner. The operator may see an alternate-wavelength image of the person’s body, or merely a ghostly digital representation of the person being scanned. The scanning is happening live as opposed to the event of looking at a still image of a body gone into the past. The living body and the mediated body are then intertwining in the present and becoming one simultaneous body.

The artists are asked to present a work live to the audience as well as considering what could represent their work after their own bodies are no longer there. The live performance event will then echo in its mediated form, scanned and re-enacted through digital/human device during the exhibition period.


Programme, live on Saturday 15th February, 4-7 pm:


Signe Schmidt Kjølner Hansen: The portable anechoic chamber, 2014

In The portable anechoic chamber sounds from lungs, blood vessels and vertebras are recorded and diffused in the room, turning the body inside out, invisibly and auditory.  A voice tells the myth of Eustachia, a goddess, whose ears developed the ability to capture every sound in the world – no matter how high the frequency, or how low the amplitude – and therefore built herself a portable anechoic chamber, to seek refuge from the cacophony. The act of objectively scanning the body for noises turns the body into a resonant cavity, even an instrument, while Eustachia turns herself into a technology, and abandons her physicality, so she can experience the world solely through auditive perception.


Kristian Byskov & Andreas Rasmussen: Elephant’s Foot, 2014

Elephant’s Foot: an objectified performance by Andreas Rasmussen and Kristian Byskov. It takes us back in time to the catastrophe at Chernobyl and fast-forwards us to a beginning of a near future. Elephant’s Foot is an object created from explosions with a following meltdown in Chernobyl’s reactor four. Hardened lava of sand and uranium forms an object with radiation so high that no human can live close to it. This is a unique situation and in its limitations it creates new potentials for life.



Nanna Lysholt Hansen: Miss no. 1,2,3 # 2, 2014

Lists of words with the prefix mis appended as well as definitions and synonyms of the word miss are recited through a vocal harmonizer effect pedal.  The performing body is attended by a digital clone choir and together – voices, body in flesh/body in pixels – mutate into an ill-defined subject. Miss no. 1,2,3 # 2, 2014 is part of an ongoing project in where Nanna Lysholt Hansen investigates and researches on relationships between gender, language and technology. Her work can be experienced live or as it manifests itself through hybrid technological forms.


Stathis Tsemberlidis: MOA192B, 2013

MOA192B is a 15minutes experimental short film influenced by the late 90s underground sci-fi films and aesthetics. The intention is to re-create the vibe of a low-budget sci-fi film from that era.  The short film explores various manifestations of human consciousness and alternative visual and audio languages of storytelling. The use of symbolic imagery through repetitive patterns, unfolds the possibility for a subconscious experience.


Body Screeners 16  – 23 February  2014 is open by appointment only – Book a visit on

Body Screeners is curated by Stathis Tsemberlidis and Nanna Lysholt Hansen

Body Screeners is kindly supported by Vesterbro Lokaludvalg





Body Screeners er en performance-event og udstilling i NLHspace.

De involverede kunstnere præsenterer live performances omhandlende teknologi, narrativer, sci-fi og videnskab i relation til kroppen.

I perioden 16.-23. februar vil NLHspace vil være åben efter aftale. Det vil sige man booker en fremvisning. Værkerne reaktiveres igennem en menneskelig/teknologisk mediering. Man bliver præsenteret for kunstværkernes ‘ekko’ i deres forskellige fremtoninger over tid og gennem performativ gestus.


Program, live lørdag d. 15. februar, 16-19:

Signe Schmidt Kjølner Hansen: The portable anechoic chamber, 2014

I The portable anechoic chamber bliver lyde fra lunger, blodårer og ryghvirvler optaget og afspillet i rummet. Kroppen vendes på vrangen og fylder usynligt og lydligt rummet. En stemme fortæller myten om Eustachia, en gudinde, hvis ører udviklede evnen til at opfange alle lyde i verden – uanset hvor høj en frekvens, eller hvor lav en amplitude – og derfor byggede et transportabelt anechoisk kammer hvori hun kunne søge tilflugt fra kakofonien. Det at objektivt scanne kroppen for lyde, forvandler kroppen til et instrument, mens Eustachia forkaster sin krop og forvandler sig til en teknologi for udelukkende at opleve verden gennem høresansen.


Kristian Byskov & Andreas Rasmussen: Elefantens Fod, 2014

Elefantens Fod er et objekt skabt af eksplosioner med efterfølgende nedsmeltning i Tjernobyl’s reaktor fire. Størknet lava af sand og uran. Den er stadig radioaktiv, men forekommer stabil i et ellers ustabilt miljø. Elefantens Fod er en akkumulator og forsegler. I kraftværkets forladte rum er mennesket tvunget til at se tusindvis af år frem i tiden. Denne situation er unik og i sine begrænsninger skaber den nye potentialer for liv. Elefantens Fod er en objektiveret performance af Andreas Rasmussen og Kristian Byskov. Den tager os tilbage i tiden til katastrofen i Tjernobyl og fast-forwarder os til en nær fremtidig begyndelse.


Nanna Lysholt Hansen: Miss no. 1,2,3 # 2, 2014

Ord og sætninger med definitioner og synonymer af det engelske ord miss samt en liste over engelske ord der begynder med ordet mis reciters gennem en effekt pedal. Den performende krop ledsages af et digital klon kor. Sammen opstår stemmerne, den kødelige krop og den digitale krop som et svært identificerbart subject.  Miss no. 1,2,3 # 2, 2014 er en del af et længere projekt, hvor Nanna Lysholt Hansen undersøger og researcher på forhold mellem køn, sprog og teknologi. Hendes værker kan opleves live eller osm de manifestierer sig gennem hybrid teknologiske former.


Stathis Tsemberlidis: MOA192B, 2013

MOA192B er en 15minutters eksperimenterende kort film inspireret af undergrunds sci-fi film og æstetik fra 90’erne. Intentionen er at genskabe en stemming af lavbudget sci-fi film fra perioden. Kortfilmen undersøger forskellige manifestationer af menneskelig bevidshed og alternative audio-visuelle sprog. Gennem brug af symbolsk billedsprog og gentagne mønstre åbnes muligheder for en underbevidst oplevelse.


Body Screeners 16  – 23 februar  2014 holder kun åbent efter aftale – Book et besøg via

Body Screeners er kurateret af Stathis Tsemberlidis & Nanna Lysholt Hansen

Body Screeners støttes af Vesterbro Lokaludvalg