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Guest Stars

The exhibition Guest Stars presents works by Esme Chapman Jones and Nanna Lysholt Hansen. In their works the two artists reference women’s position in photographic history and cinema. Nanna Lysholt Hansen’s work can be experienced both as live performance or … (read more)


NLHspace is very happy to invite you to a participatory performance by artist Odun Orimolade from Lagos, Nigeria. In navigating issues related to a forgotten space, the space of the womb, one is confronted with a myriad of effects and … (read more)

STEMME#6 Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology: Of planetary becomings and queer/trans materialities

STEMME#6 Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology: Of planetary becomings and queer/trans materialities Talk. NLHspace, 5 december 2015 STEMMER STEMMER is a research series celebrating the centennial for the constitutional change in 1915, in which women and other marginalized people were … (read more)

STEMME#4 Marie Kølbæk Iversen: Io/I

STEMME#4 Marie Kølbæk Iversen: Io/I NLHspace, 5-13 december 2015 STEMMER STEMMER is a research series celebrating the centennial for the constitutional change in 1915, in which women and other marginalized people were given the right to vote. STEMMER asks one … (read more)

STEMME#5 Ida Marie Hede: Jeg kigger på IO/Io sto guardando IO/I’m looking at myself

STEMME#5 Ida Marie Hede: Jeg kigger på IO/Io sto guardando IO/I’m looking at myself Text and edition in 50 copies. In collaboration with Marie Kølbæk Iversen and Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. STEMMER STEMMER is a research series celebrating the … (read more)

STEMME#3 Anna Moderato & Anne Nora Fischer: RabarbraRabarbra: Color Problems

STEMME#3 Anna Moderato & Anne Nora Fischer: RabarbraRabarbra: Color Problems A performance for bodies, mirrors and sound. NLHspace, November 22nd 2015 STEMMER STEMMER is a research series celebrating the centennial for the constitutional change in 1915, in which women and … (read more)

STEMME#2: Kirsten Justesen: IMPRINTS

The struggle to have and own a body, to be more than simply an object to be painted, touched and appraised, has been one of the centrale fights in the history of women’s liberation. The series IMPRINT, 1996-97, and Monumental … (read more)

SculptureHUB – network meeting and round­table discussion

Thursday Feb 4th, 6-7.30PM

28 sep 15

01 : Med udgangspunkt i en støjkomposition præsenteres en performativ installation. Denne installation vil tage form af et rituelt eksperiment, behandlende støj som en både skabende og nedbrydende kraft. / / Taking its foundation in a composition of noise, a … (read more)

Highlands – Copenhagen Art Week

The exhibition has been extended until September 12th   Opening: Friday 21 August 5 – 8pm Extraordinary open Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 of August 11am -3pm   Hani Amra is a Palestinian artist from Jerusalem born in 1981. Amra … (read more)

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