Rod Cell Vision
Nanna Lysholt Hansen
Exhibition 25 July - 14 August 2015
Opening Friday 24 July, 17-19
Performance I AM MYSELF A MAGICIAN WHO LAST FALL SEDUCED A MACHINE 15 August (10 am - 3 pm, duration app. 20 minutes - booking necessary)
You touch me. It feels quite natural now, the most normal gesture. Yet your hand is resting on imitation skin laid over neural processors, gel chip technology, a skeleton strong enough to support a high-rise building. Again, when you touch a human, do you think you are caressing the liver, the spleen, the large intestine? Surfaces seek friction and in that friction pleasure… Rods are found primarily in the periphery and are used to see at low levels of light…
Rod Cell Vision is an installation including photo emulsion on metal plates and text engravings in metal tubes. Discerned in the metal a body, a text, a voice in the dark. The house turns the world upside down: I Am Myself A Magician Who Last Fall Seduced A Machine is an appropriation and juxtaposition of text fragments from Marge Piercy’s He, She, and It (1991), Ibn Al Haytham’s Book of Optics (1021), and Henri Bergson’s Matter and Memory (1896. The work is being performed live on 15 august, free, but booking necessary.
Nanna Lysholt Hansen works with photography and the voice as both constitutive and destabilizing for the experience of relationships between body, technology, gender and language.
Udstillingen Rod Cell Vision en installation bestående af fotoemulsion på metalplader og tekstindgraveringer i metalrør. I metallet anes en krop. En tekst. En stemme i mørket. Huset vender verden på hovedet: I Am Myself A Magician Who Last Fall Seduced A Machine er en appropriering og sammenskrivning af tekstfragmenter fra Marge Piercys He, She, and It (1991), Ibn Al Haythams Book of Optics (1021), og Henri Bergsons Matter and Memory (1896). Værket kan opleves live den 15. august, gratis, men pladsreservering er nødvendig.
Nanna Lysholt Hansen arbejder med fotografiet og stemmen som både konstituerende og destabiliserende for oplevelsen af forhold mellem krop, teknologi, køn og sprog.
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