Alexandra Lawson and Tarn McLean

17 August - 28 September

Opening 16 August, 5 -8 pm

(scroll for english)


SHARING, LOVING, GIVING er en udstilling af to australske kunstnere, Alexandra Lawson og Tarn McLean i udstillingsstedet NLHspace i København.

Udstillingen SHARING, LOVING, GIVING udfordrer skellet mellem billedkunst og hverdagens sociale aktiviteter. De to kunstnere tager udgangspunkt i ”gaven” som gestus i mødet mellem mennesker og inddrager dermed hverdagens sociale interaktion i udstillingssituationen.
På åbningsdagen den 16. august kl. 17 vil gæsterne blive tilbudt en gave, hvor de opfordres til at følge nogle enkle instrukser ved gavens modtagelse.
Samtidig med de to kunstneres fernisering finder sted i København, vil de to kunstnere (trods tidsforskellen) deltage i ferniseringen på den anden side af kloden, i Toowoomba, Australien. På humoristisk vis søger de to kunstnere at lave en udveksling mellem Australien og Danmark, hvor værket både bliver aktiveret og fuldendt med gæsternes deltagelse. Resultatet af denne interaktion vil sidenhen blive vist på

Den 23. og 28 august fra kl. 17 til 20 vil der være åbent med særevent under Copenhagen Art Week og Gallery Night på Carlsberg.

Alexandra Lawson har en Bachelor i billedkunst fra University of Southern Queensland og University of Kassel, Tyskland. Hun er på nuværende tidspunkt i gang med sin PHD afhandling på University of Southern Queensland og er sammen med Tarn McLean medstifter af ustillingsstedet RaygunLab. Hun har udstillet i Queensland, Sydney og USA.

Tarn McLean har en Bachelor i Visual Arts og en PHD i filosofi fra University of Southern Queensland, hun har udstillet i Queensland, Brisbane og Sydney og er sammen med Alexandra Lawson medstifter af udstillingsstedet RaygunLab i Toowoomba, Australien

Kurateret af Honey Biba Beckerlee og Suada Demirovic

For mere information kontakt Suada Demirovic på tlf: 81616512

Støtte af Vesterbro Lokaludvalg og Københavns Billedkunstudvalg



by Alexandra Lawson and Tarn McLean

SHARING, LOVING, GIVING is an exhibition by two Australian artists Alexandra Lawson og Tarn McLean at NLHspace in Copenhagen.

The exhibition SHARING, LOVING, GIVING challenges the distinction between fine art and everyday social activities. The two artists’ exhibition revolves around the notion of the “gift” as a gesture in the meeting between people. Thus letting the social interaction of the everyday into the exhibition space.

At the opening on 16 August, 5 pm guests will be offered a gift, where they are encouraged to follow a few simple instructions.
During the opening in Copenhagen, the two artists will (despite of the time difference) attend the event on the other side of the globe, in Toowoomba, Australia. Infused with both energy and humor, the two artists seek to create an exchange between Australia and Denmark through the visitor’s participation at NLHspace. The result of this interaction will later be displayed on

On the 23 and 28 of August, from 5 to 8 pm, we will be extraordinary open during the Copenhagen Art Week and Gallery Night at Carlsberg.

Alexandra Lawson has a BA in visual arts from the University of Southern Queensland and the University of Kassel, Germany. She is currently doing her PHD thesis at the University of Southern Queensland and, together with Tarn McLean she is the co-founder of the exhibition space RaygunLab. She has exhibited in Queensland, Sydney and the United States.

Tarn McLean has a Bachelor of Visual Arts, and a PHD in philosophy from the University of Southern Queensland, she has exhibited in Queensland, Brisbane and Sydney, and together with Alexandra Lawson co-founder of the exhibition space RaygunLab in Toowoomba, Australia

Curated by Honey Biba Beckerlee and Suada Demirovic

Supported by Vesterbro Lokaludvalg og Københavns Billedkunstudvalg

Alexandra Lawson & Tarn McLean