Relation Production
Rikke Winther & Rikke Hyldahl
4-26 February 2012
Closing Event: 24 February, 5-8 pm
Press Release
Udstillingen Relation Produktion arbejder med samspillet omkring relationer og de små ryk der sker under opbyggelsen af relationen.
NLH space danner rammerne om en dynamisk duel, hvor kunstnerne iscenesætter sig selv i proces. Med afsæt i papirarbejder udfordrer kunstnerne hinanden ved på skift at kommentere hinandens værker med værker. Gennem hele udstillingsperioden udvikles værkerne og går i nye uventede eller ventede retninger. I processen fokusereres der på et spændingsfelt der er opbygget over dogmer, som forholder sig til de regler vi kender fra sociale relationer f.eks. respekt, anerkendelse eller kompromis.
The exhibition Relational Production is dealing with the interaction in relationships and the moves and actions who happens during the building of relationships. NLHspace frames a dynamic duel where artists promote themselves in the process. Based on works on paper the artists challenges each other by taking turns to comment on each other’s works, with new works. Throughout the exhibition period the work developes and goes into new, unexpected or maybe expected directions. In the process the focus will be on the tension built up over dogma, which relate to the rules we know from social relationships eg. respect, recognition or compromise.
About the artists Rikke Hyldahl and Rikke Winther began their collaboration in 2007. They share an interest in drawing and the immediate and spontaneous approach to the material. Rikke Hyldahl has a PD in aesthetics and arts and Rikke Winther graduated from The Funen Academy of Fine Art in 2006. They both currently live and work in Denmark.