Global lokalitet 5 – Faith and Shadows

Todd Ayoung, curated by Suada Demirovic

20 May - 17 June 2011

Global Lokalitet is curated by Suada Demirovic

Press Release

Global Lokalitet består af fem udstillinger, med fem samtidskunstnere fra både ind- og udland. Udstillingsrækken fandt sted i perioden januar til juni 2011.

This gallery storefront becomes the physically restricted EXTERIOR face, INHABITING/INHIBITING; facing a localized pedestrian and automobile trafficked street. The gallery interior is TEXTING, somewhat ambiguously, a globalized political CONTENTION in the Western European world, to the Anglo-American European Western world. The gallery’s INTERIOR is the project of an immigrant from Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies, currently residing and laboring in New York. The INTERIOR of the gallery space of NLHspace is an ongoing TEXTING and CASTING of metaphorical SHADOWS, for a month to the EXTERIOR bodies, cars and landscape of an urban Copenhagen street life. NLHspace’s INTERIOR WHITENESS, is presently TRAVERSED by REMINDERS/REMAINDERS of this “third world” immigrant, that once resided and labored in Denmark in the mid 1980’s.

Todd Ayoung is a multi-media/medium visual artist originally from Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies, currently living in Ithaca, NY, at an intentional, co-housing, sustainable community called Ecovillage. He has exhibited in Europe, Latin America, and throughout the United States. Ayoung studied at School of Visual Arts, NYC, The Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, NYC and Yale University, CT. He is currently an Artist In Residence at New Roots School in Ithaca, NY and has been a professor at Pratt Institute, NYC, School of Visual Arts, NYC, New York University, NYC and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, CPH.


Global lokalitet blev støttet af Vesterbro Lokaludvalg & Københavns Billedkunstudvalg

text by Todd Ayoung